lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

Homework-English V.

October 20
Dear Teachers and Students,
The situation in the IPC is becoming unbearable. First of all, most of the elevators are not working and the few that still work are in bad conditions. Second, the infrastructure is not apropiate for the large number of people who study in the institution nowadays. Finally, there is a large number of teachers without any ethics and apparently without the proper motivation to carry out their job in the best way.
Several protests have been staged by students of this university, but have never been addressed. Despite this, the IPC community continues trying to cope with the situation.
The thing is that, if the situation persists in this way it will be impossible to continue with the activities that take place in the Pedagogico and get excellent results with them as so it has been so far.
Harold, Henao.

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